September 2024 Newletter

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Good Morning Student Leaders! We hope the year has gotten off to a smooth start and you are excited for another vibrant year on campus! Each month, The OSA team will send out a brief newsletter with timely information for you to know and reference as your groups start off the year and begin planning your programs and activities. Please share this information with other members of your groups.


Updates from the Division – Penn’s Commitment to Open Expression:

As we kick off the 2024-25 academic year, the Division of University Life would like to reaffirm Penn’s commitment to Open Expression and provide guidance to help students successfully plan and execute events throughout the year. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with university policies and know that OSA staff are available to answer questions and offer support.

The University of Pennsylvania is dedicated to upholding the principles of open expression. As a community, we value meaningful dialogue, respectful engagement, and a strong sense of belonging. To ensure that programs and events are appropriately managed for the safety and well-being of all Penn community members, Temporary Guidelines for Open Expression have been established.  These guidelines protect the right to free expression while ensuring that Penn can continue fulfilling its core mission of teaching, research, service, and patient care without interruption. Each member of the Penn community is expected to know and follow these guidelines.  Learn more here.

Locust Walk Table Reservations:
Is your group planning to table on Locust Walk? As a reminder, if you want to have a presence on Locust Walk you MUST reserve space. OSA manages the block from 36th to 37th. Registered student groups can also borrow a set of banner poles and a table when they reserve a spot. Please do not bring you own table to Locust and set it up if you have not made a reservation through OSA.

To book, visit the Locust Walk Reservation Page, fill out the form, and submit it for approval. Once approved, follow the Ticketleap link in the confirmation email to pay the refundable deposit, then pick up your equipment from OSA.

Additionally, please keep in mind, in upholding the updated Temporary Guidelines for Open Expression, groups that are tabling on Locust may not use amplified sound, including the use of Bluetooth speakers, during business hours, with the exception of the noon (12-1pm) hour.

For full details, head to the Reserving Space on Locust Walk? section on the OSA site.

Group Re-Registration and New Group Registration:

The timelines for group re-registration and new group registration have been updated for this year. Re-registration is now open, and new group registration will begin on Monday, September 16th. New club registrations will conclude for the academic year the Friday before spring break (Friday, March 7th 2025) Find more information about club registration here.

If you have submitted your groups re-registration and it is currently in the queue, thank you for your patience as our staff reviews your request. If you have not yet re-registered your club for the year, please be sure to do that as soon as possible to ensure you are able to access the benefits of being a registered group (Including, the ability to access funding and reserve space on campus.)

Wake-Up Wednesday (W.U.W) Fairs:
The Houston Hall Student Engagement Team is introducing Wake-Up Wednesday fairs—a weekly tabling opportunity to showcase student organizations and attract new members.


  • Time & Location: Wednesdays from 11 AM – 1 PM in Houston Hall Lobby.
  • What You Get: A table and two chairs. Bring your own décor, materials, and giveaways.
  • Sign Up Early: Each group can book up to two slots per semester, and only six organizations can participate each week.
    Sign up using the WUW Registration Form online. For questions, contact Spencer Allen at


Space & Event Booking Workshop for Registered Student Groups:
Student group representatives are invited to a Space & Event Booking 101 session on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 4 PM to 6 PM in the Ben Franklin Room at Houston Hall. Bring your laptop and event plans to get tips on space reservations and event coordination. Light refreshments will be served.
RSVP here: