All student organizations are required to (re)register at the start of the academic year with the Office of Student Affairs. Registration identifies the organization as active and permits them access to University resources with the ability to reserve space, use of electronic resources, proper use of the Penn name, access to potential funding sources, participate in activities fairs and permission to advertise themselves as a student-run organization at the University of Pennsylvania.
In alignment with the University of Pennsylvania’s Nondiscrimination Statement, student-run organizations are expected to uphold a commitment to non-discrimination. This means that these organizations will not engage in discriminatory practices based on factors of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin (including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics), citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other class protected under applicable federal, state, or local law. It is essential for student organizations to recognize the University’s dedication to providing academic, social, and recreational programs and services that are equally accessible to all, and as such, all student-run organizations are required to conduct themselves and their activities in accordance with this commitment.
Student organizations must fully comply with the University of Pennsylvania’s Antihazing Regulations, as outlined in the Pennbook. To ensure compliance, students are encouraged to thoroughly review the definition of hazing and the illustrative examples provided within the Antihazing Regulations. Additionally, it is vital for students to understand the potential consequences of violating these regulations, which may encompass University sanctions affecting both individuals and organizations, as well as potential legal ramifications under state law.
Student organizations are obligated to adhere to all policies and procedures established by the University of Pennsylvania. This includes, but is not limited to, the policies outlined in the Pennbook and the Code of Student Conduct. Furthermore, student organizations are expected to operate in compliance with all relevant local, state, and federal laws.
PennClubs, developed by Penn Labs in partnership with the Undergraduate Assembly (UA), the Student Activities Council (SAC), and the Office of Student Affairs, is the University’s official platform for student organization registration and management. The platform was created to centralize resources and streamline communication for student groups, making it easier for organizations to operate effectively.
We have formalized many long-standing practices related to the requirements for student groups to register with the University. To successfully re-register your organization, the following prerequisites must be met:
Membership Requirements: Each club must have at least eight active members, with a minimum of three members designated as officers.
Group Contacts: Listed group contacts are members of the organization who have significant understanding of, and influence on, group operations.
Club Operations: Student organizations are to be initiated by, organized, primarily comprised of and solely led by undergraduate or graduate students.
Training and Workshops: Organizations must complete any required student organization trainings or workshops, such as the Student Organization Summit or New Student Group Training
Branding Compliance: Clubs must have logos that adhere to University branding standards and ensure consistent use across all platforms, including social media and websites. Please Refer to the Student Branding Guidelines for more information.
University Affiliation: The club description must clearly state that the group is a student organization at the University.
Policy Adherence: All groups must comply with the relevant policies and guidelines for student organizations.
Club registration is currently closed for the remainder of the academic year. Registration will re-open in August.
With over 600 registered clubs to choose from annually, student groups foster vital student interaction and offer countless opportunities for exploration, personal growth, and development of leadership, communication, and other invaluable skills. Select PennClubs below to search a list of registered student groups.