Class of 2023 Senior Honor Award Recipients


The Ivy Day Ceremony at the University of Pennsylvania is a tradition that dates to 1873.  Held on the Saturday of Alumni Weekend, this annual ceremony recognizes outstanding graduating seniors for their leadership and service to the University community.

In addition to the presentation of senior honor awards, engagement prizes, class leadership and scholastic awards, the ceremony includes the unveiling of the class ivy stone, a traditional marker to symbolize each graduating class and their permanent connection to Penn.

All awards with one exception are senior applicants only. Seniors may apply for multiple awards, and self-nominations are preferred to ensure complete and accurate submissions. The Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Award is open to senior, junior, and sophomore applicants. After reviewing award descriptions, select the award’s name to access the nomination form.

Awards for Seniors

The Senior Honor Awards

[Click on the award name above to access the nomination form.]

To view a pdf copy of the nomination form questions, scroll to the bottom of the page.

The eight honor awards selected by the senior class are the Spoon, Hottel Shield, Bowl, Harnwell Flag; Cane; Goddard Loving Cup, Spade and Brownlee Skimmer Hat.

Nominees must be members in good academic standing of the Class of 2024 (defined as those who enrolled at Penn in the fall of 2020, transfer students who enrolled at their previous school in the fall of 2020, or students who enrolled in the fall of 2021 but are graduating with the Class of 2024) who have actively contributed to campus life through activities and leadership. 

A committee of staff & administrators and the senior class board will participate in a selection process to narrow the pool of candidates to 30 finalists. 

After the 30 finalists are selected, the senior class will engage in an online voting process. The top eight seniors with the highest number of votes will be the recipients of the Class of 2024 honor awards.

The nomination deadline for the Senior Honor Awards is 5p on Thursday, February 29, 2024.


The James Howard Weiss Memorial Award and Penn Student Agencies Award

[Click on the award name above to access the nomination forms.]

To view a pdf copy of the nomination form questions, scroll to the bottom of the page.

The Weiss & PSA Awards recognize distinguished academic achievement (minimum G.P.A. of 3.7) and significant leadership in undergraduate activities by a member of the senior class. Applicants are asked to submit a brief essay describing the impact of their campus involvement as well as two letters of recommendation.  A committee comprised of staff and students will select the recipients of the awards.

Please inform your references that they should email their recommendation to Rodney Robinson at rodneyr@upenn.edu.

The nomination deadline for the Weiss & PSA Awards is 5p on Friday, March 15, 2024.


The Student Award of Merit

[Click on the award name above to access the nomination form.]

To view a pdf copy of the nomination form questions, scroll to the bottom of the page.

This award, sponsored by Penn Alumni, is presented to members of the Senior Class on the May graduation roster (Nominees must be members in good academic standing of the Class of 2025 (defined as those who matriculated at Penn in the fall of 2021, transfer students who matriculated at their previous school in the fall of 2021, or students who matriculated in the fall of 2022 but are graduating with the Class of 2025) who have actively contributed to campus life through activities and leadership.

The selection committee recognizes that University service takes many different forms, including but not limited to academic, co-curricular, athletic, and community service.  Alumni relations and/or advancement experience is not required.  Applicants are asked to use the brief essay portion of this application to describe the nature of their contributions to the Penn community and provide meaningful examples of the same.  This award will be given to no fewer than one and no more than five members of the senior class. An alumni committee comprised of past award winners make the final selection from the list of candidates. There is no minimum G.P.A. requirement. 

After you submit your application, please inform your references that they should submit this Google Form as part of the reference check.

The application deadline for the Student Award of Merit is 5p on Friday, March 21st, 2025.


Award for Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores

The Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Awards

[Click on the award name above to access the nomination form.]

To view a pdf copy of the nomination form questions, scroll to the bottom of the page.

These awards may be presented to a senior, junior or sophomore who has contributed to “orderly and constructive social and educational change within or outside the University community.”

Past recipients have included:

  • The undergraduate who established the first mental health student group in the nation.
  • The creators of a Saturday African-centered enrichment program for local children.
  • The organizers of a pre-orientation leadership program for incoming first-year students.
  • The founder of the first and the only youth-led LGBT statewide organization in the nation.

Applicants are asked to submit a brief essay describing their contribution as well as two letters of recommendation. A committee comprised of staff and students will select the recipients of the award. [Keep in mind that there must be a specific, impactful contribution, not simply a list of activities or leadership position(s) held].

Please inform your references that they should email their recommendation to Rodney Robinson at rodneyr@upenn.edu.

The application deadline for the Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Award is 5p on Friday, March 15, 2024.

To view a pdf copy of the nomination forms, click here.